

Automotive industry trends affecting component suppliers (Geneva, ILO, 2005)

“Transport equipment manufacturing” in: Globalization: Encyclopedia of Trade, Labor and Politics, A.K. Vaidya (ed.), 2005

“Automotive industry trends affecting component suppliers” in: La Lettre du Gerpisa No 180, Dec. 2004

“World auto councils at the crossroads - 10th World Automotive Industry Conference of the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF)”, in: La Lettre du Gerpisa No 146, Nov. 2000

The Social and Labour Impact of Globalization in the Manufacture of Transport Equipment (Geneva, ILO, 2000)


The production of electronic components for the IT industries: Changing labour force requirements in a global economy (Geneva, ILO, 2007)

Lifelong Learning in the Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Industries (Geneva, ILO, 2004)

Impact of Flexible Labour Market Arrangements in the Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic Industries (Geneva, ILO,1998)

Export Processing Zones

“Export processing zones revisited: An employment and social policy view from the ILO” in: Free Zone Investment (a web journal)

Speaker at international conferences in London, Cairo, New Delhi and Cape Town

See also

I have followed developments in EPZs for over 20 years and can provide the advice you need.

* Most of the above publications are also available in French and Spanish *